© Noel Harrower 2018
The Harrowers in Balgownie Farm, Culross
I have been researching Harrowers in Fife for many years. My own family
came from the lovely old burgh of Culross, near which they had farmed for many
generations. It was my great grandfather who left the area and came to Manchester
to benefit from the Victorian cotton boom. (He had previously served an apprenticveship
in the Dunfermline Linen Mills.)
My father had memories of staying with great aunts in Culross around 1910, when they
kept the village stores, and in the 1950’s we had a family holiday in Scotland and visited
the little town. We all fell in love with it and genealogy has been a hobby ever since.
We visited the old family home, renovated in 1826 by my great grandfather, who was a
stonemason, we saw the family grave and we found the records in Edinburgh. Years
later, I traced my great great grandfather’s will and found that he had been born at
Balgownie Farm. This led me on to search the local records, and gradually our
family tree grew longer.
Balgownie was a small farmtoun, a mile and a half to the north. The name means “place
of the smiths.” (There was an old forge there on the early maps) But the Erskine family
owned a big tract of land in the area, which was let out to tenant farmers, and the surname
Harrower cropped up on several of these farms.
The earliest reference I have found to Harrowers in Balgownie was in 1718, and that was
a reference in Beveridge’s “History of Culross” to a curious event, which was brought to
the Kirk Session. The minutes read as follows: What appears to have most disturbed the
Kirk Session was not so much the theft or the wrong accusation, but the pre-Christian
belief that a deaf mute had the powers of second sight. This is made clear by an entry
made two weeks later.
We hear no more of John Harrower. He appears to have been exonerated. The next tenant
at Balgownie was Robert Harrower, almost certainly the son of his younger brother
David and Jean Micklejohn. Robert married Janet Wilson and they had four sons and two
daughters according to the Parish Records. The eldest son, another Robert born in 1742,
continued as the tenant for another generation. The second son, David, born 1744
became tenant of the neighbouring Balgownie Park Farm and the third son, John, who
was my great-great-great grandfather farmed at neighbouring Righead, according to his
son’s testament. I have not found any trace of the fourth son, James.
I found papers deposited at Dunfermline Library showing that the father, Robert
Harrower, was witness to the will of his landlord, Balgownie. The link between landlord
and tenant continued into the third and fourth generations, as my great great grandfather’s
daughter, Jane was employed as a companion to a descendant, Mrs Magdelaine Erskine
Shairp, when she lived as a recluse in neighbouring Dunimarle Castle in Victorian times,
and although Balgownie was then farmed by one John Kilgour, his wife was Lilias,
daughter of a certain James Harrower. It is difficult to be precise about some of these
kinships, but it is clear that the Balgownie Farms were tenanted by Harrowers from
around the days of George 1st to the girlhood of Queen Victoria.
Harrowers in Balgownie Farm